Warehouse and Distribution
Safe, Simple, Flexible
WAVE Wireless brings big benefits to
Improving Air Quality for All
Transitioning to battery-electric off- and on-road vehicles offers burgeoning warehouse and distribution operators the ability to reduce emissions and improve the air quality for employees and the neighborhoods and communities surrounding them.
The WAVE Wireless solution eases the EV transition to electric yard trucks, box trucks, forklifts, and day cabs by ensuring minimal impact to normal operations.
The Path is Clear
Powering electric vehicles with hands-free charging maximizes precious yard space by keeping charging gear underground and away from high-traffic areas. The risk of trips and falls is virtually eliminated as are collisions with above-ground chargers.
” Embedded in the pavement, wireless charging preserves space for parking and containers rather than charging pedestals while eliminating any need to handle cables.

Simplicity Reigns
Simply park the vehicle, and roadway-embedded chargers automatically provide the high power needed for meaningful duty-cycle extension. There is no easier way to keep workers happy and operations uninterrupted.
Park-and-charge ease keeps batteries optimized and extends their life.
Simplicity Reigns
Simply park the vehicle, and roadway-embedded chargers automatically provide the high power needed for meaningful duty-cycle extension. There is no easier way to keep workers happy and operations uninterrupted.
Park-and-charge ease keeps batteries optimized and extends their life.

Always Flexible, Always On
Yard trucks, box trucks, and day cabs can all use the same Wireless charger. Embedded intelligence identifies vehicle type and state-of-charge, delivering power specific to each vehicle’s needs.
Ruggedized and free of moving parts, WAVE delivers unmatched operational confidence.

Success Story
Opportunities in Tight Spaces
Squeezing plug-in chargers into already tight dock and warehouse spaces can be difficult, resulting in cable management hazards. Embedded in the pavement, WAVE Wireless has minimal impact on existing dock layouts and eliminates the tripping and handling concerns.
Discover the Benefit of Innovative Charging
Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions and take the first step toward electrifying your operations.